Hi, and welcome to the Smarter Literacy podcast from Ascend Smarter Intervention where our mission is to simply effective literacy instruction to make teaching literacy easier and more accessible for everyone.
We are your host, Lindsey, and Corey, and we are 2 of the literacy specialists behind the smarter intervention programs and learning clinic.
And we are so excited to launch this podcast.
It has been a long time coming.
We will be sharing our favorite teaching tips, strategies, and systems that have worked well for us.
In our clinic, we support students from kindergarten through high school who need additional literacy support, and we've also had the opportunity to work with thousands of educators worldwide.
Which allows us this incredible opportunity to hear about what's working and what's not in different settings.
And so we wanted to take what we've learned through that experience with you.
And that's why we are so excited about this podcast because we wanted to open up a conversation.
We are in this journey with you working with students every day, and we believe that implementing effective research based literacy instruction can be easy when you have the right tools, systems, and processes in place.
And if we can help make any aspect of teaching a little easier, That's a massive win because let's face it.
Teaching is hard.
It absolutely is.
And so if you are a literacy interventionist, a special education teacher, a classroom teacher, or someone else with a passion for literacy, we hope that you will tune in.
So what will our episodes will be about? Our episodes are going to focus on information to help you familiarize yourself with the research behind effective literacy instruction, create effective systems in your instruction, optimize your instruction to meet diverse student needs and provide strategies to help your students don't always across the content area.
And so our goal is to have important conversations about literacy, the struggles we all face and the wins we get from this awesome profession and working together.
And we hope to help you find more of those light bulb moments with your students because we know that's why we went into this profession.
So what can you expect from us? Well, we will be dropping a longer form episode once per month, where we will share big picture ideas, strategies, and systems related to effective literacy instruction.
And then we're even gonna sprinkle on additional quick tip episodes each month.
Where Willie will provide a bite sized tip or strategy that you can try out in your next lesson with your students.
You can find this podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and on our website at smarterintervention.
com forward slash podcast.
We are so excited to start this journey with you